Parents Corner
Positive discipline is an integral part of education. We aspire to have stable, well behaved and happily settled children. For us the development of emotional and social quotient is as important as the intelligent quotient. Kindle help us to maintain the balance by ensuring that:
Your child:
- Brings his/her link book to the school everyday
- Reports to school on time
- Completes his/her work
- Carries neat books and notebooks as per the time table
- Maintains personal hygiene
- Appears for all unit tests
- Has minimum absence
- Comes in proper school uniform
- Adheres to school rules and norms of conduct
- Does not bully others and use abusive language
- Maintains school property
- Maintains cleanliness of class rooms and school premises
- Displays exemplary behaviour in bus
You will please:
- Send leave application if your child is absent
- Not give huge amount to your child
- Not to give mobile to your child
- Attend PTMs regularly
- Monitor your child’s net usage
- Discourage child’s excess TV viewing
- Not to send your child to school in case of an illness even for unit tests
- Take prior appointment to meet the teachers and the principal
- Avoid taking half day leave for your child
- Make an entry for every absence of your child in the link book
- Send a certificate of medical fitness on the child’s return to school after recovery from a contagious disease.